This category includes Gourmet, Green, Groceries, Restaurants, Wine - Spirits. You can buy groceries online, you can find restaurants and Wine & Spirits! You can spirits for Sunday Football day or wine for a romantic evening with your spouse, either way we have your covered!

Discover the superior taste and aroma of farm-fresh teas. Loose, bagged or iced, enjoy Adagio Teas’ hundreds of artisan tea varieties, and imaginative tea-brewing accessories. A small but nimble family-owned company. Our story begins like all human life: with Mom. She imprinted on the company's founders the idea that tea was important, and good tea was an integral part of a good life. We grew up drinking Mom's special blend of Indian and Chinese teas, which she served guests in lieu of coffee.
Got a Question? We’ve got answers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Shop4Charities generate proceeds for charitable donations?
Shop4Charities generates proceeds by providing links to products. When users click on these links and make a transaction, we receive a percentage of that transaction. A portion of that percentage is then donated to a different charity each month.
How much of the proceeds is donated to the chosen charity?
For our inaugural month, we are donating 20% of the earnings to the dedicated charity. In the following months, the percentage may vary, but we will always announce the specific contribution amount at the beginning of each month.
How are charities selected for donations?
Absolutely! We welcome charity suggestions from our users. If you know of a reputable charity that aligns with our mission, please contact our support team with your recommendations.
Will individual click-to-charity tracking be available in the future?
Yes! We are actively working on implementing individual click-to-charity tracking. In the months ahead, you will be able to see how much your clicks contribute to the charity of the month.